Dr. Thompson is getting busy but has room for same day appointments in many cases
Tuesday, 23 July 2024 00:00

Clubfoot, medically known as congenital talipes equinovarus, is a condition where a baby is born with one or both feet turned inward and downward. Some cases are mild and others more severe. Symptoms include twisted or curved feet and underdeveloped calf muscles. While the exact cause of clubfoot is unknown, it may result from improper development of bones and ligaments in the womb. Clubfoot can be hereditary, affecting approximately one in 1,000 babies, more commonly boys. Diagnosis can occur via prenatal ultrasound or shortly after birth through a physical examination and sometimes an X-ray. Early treatment is essential for normal foot growth, with the Ponseti method being extremely effective. This involves gentle manipulation and casting of the feet over several weeks, followed by bracing to maintain correct positioning. In some cases, minor surgery may be needed to lengthen the Achilles tendon. If your baby is diagnosed with clubfoot, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam, diagnosis, and treatment options.


Congenital foot problems require immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact one of our podiatrists of Advanced Foot & Ankle Associates, PLLC. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Congenital foot problems are deformities affecting the feet, toes, and/or ankles that children are born with. Some of these conditions have a genetic cause while others just happen. Some specific foot ailments that children may be born with include clubfeet, polydactyly/macrodactyly, and cleft foot. There are several other foot anomalies that can occur congenitally. What all of these conditions have in common is that a child may experience difficulty walking or performing everyday activities, as well as trouble finding footwear that fits their foot deformity. Some of these conditions are more serious than others. Consulting with a podiatrist as early as possible will help in properly diagnosing a child’s foot condition while getting the necessary treatment underway.

What are Causes of Congenital Foot Problem?

A congenital foot problem is one that happens to a child at birth. These conditions can be caused by a genetic predisposition, developmental or positional abnormalities during gestation, or with no known cause.

What are Symptoms of Congenital Foot Problems?

Symptoms vary by the congenital condition. Symptoms may consist of the following:

  • Clubfoot, where tendons are shortened, bones are shaped differently, and the Achilles tendon is tight, causing the foot to point in and down. It is also possible for the soles of the feet to face each other.
  • Polydactyly, which usually consists of a nubbin or small lump of tissue without a bone, a toe that is partially formed but has no joints, or an extra toe.
  • Vertical talus, where the talus bone forms in the wrong position causing other bones in the foot to line up improperly, the front of the foot to point up, and the bottom of the foot to stiffen, with no arch, and to curve out.
  • Tarsal coalition, when there is an abnormal connection of two or more bones in the foot leading to severe, rigid flatfoot.
  • Cleft foot, where there are missing toes, a V-shaped cleft, and other anatomical differences.
  • Macrodactyly, when the toes are abnormally large due to overgrowth of the underlying bone or soft tissue.

Treatment and Prevention

While there is nothing one can do to prevent congenital foot problems, raising awareness and receiving neonatal screenings are important. Early detection by taking your child to a podiatrist leads to the best outcome possible.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Lake Worth and Aledo/Willow Park, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Congenital Foot Problems
Tuesday, 16 July 2024 00:00

Surprisingly, about 70 percent of people wear shoes that don’t fit well, leading to discomfort and potential long-term issues affecting the feet and ankles, as well as other body parts. To ensure a proper fit, start by measuring your feet, as sizes can vary between brands and your feet change over time. Shop in the afternoon when your feet are slightly swollen, ensuring a fit that accommodates daily activity. Look for shoes with adequate support and structure, avoiding overly soft footwear that lacks stability. Check for a thumb’s width of space at the toe and consider the shape of the shoe to avoid cramped toes. Heels higher than 1.5 inches can worsen foot problems. For those on carpets or with mobility issues, lightweight polyurethane soles are a better option than heavy rubber. Breathable materials and appropriate socks are also important to prevent moisture buildup and subsequent issues, like corns or blisters. Special features can accommodate specific conditions like diabetes, bunions, or hammertoe. For personalized advice and to address any foot-related concerns, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist. 

Finding a properly-fitting shoe is important in reducing injuries and preventing foot problems. For more information about treatment, contact one of our podiatrists from Advanced Foot & Ankle Associates, PLLC. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Proper Shoe Fitting

A common concern when it comes to foot health, having properly fitted shoes can help prevent injuries to the foot. Out feet affect our posture and gait, which in turn affects the biomechanics and overall bodily structure. With 33 joints, 26 bones, and over 100 ligaments, the potential for serious injury is much greater than one realizes. Although the feet cease growth in adulthood, they still change shape as they mature. Here are some factors to consider when it comes to investing in proper fitting shoes:

  • Be sure the shoes fit correctly right away
  • Ensure the ball of your foot fits comfortably in the widest portion of the shoes
  • Even though they may look fashionable, improper fitting shoes can either create adverse conditions or exacerbate existing ones you may already have
  • Walk along a carpeted surface to ensure the shoes comfortably fit during normal activity

Keeping in mind how shoes fit the biomechanics of your body, properly-fitting shoes are vitally important. Fortunately, it is not difficult to acquire footwear that fits correctly. Be sure to wear shoes that support the overall structure of your body. Do your feet a favor and invest in several pairs of well-fitted shoes today.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Lake Worth and Aledo/Willow Park, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Get a Proper Shoe Fit
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 00:00

Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.

Tuesday, 09 July 2024 00:00

Foot stress fractures are tiny cracks, usually found in the long bones of the foot, that result from repetitive force or overuse. These fractures often occur in athletes and individuals who engage in high-impact activities like running or jumping. Risk factors can include a sudden increase in activity intensity, wearing improper footwear, and conditions like osteoporosis that weaken bones. Stress fractures develop when muscles become fatigued and lose their ability to absorb shock, transferring the impact to the bones. Common sites for these fractures are the metatarsal bones, which bear significant weight during movement. Symptoms often include pain, swelling, and tenderness that worsen with activity. Early diagnosis is vital for healing and preventing further complications. If you have foot pain after bouts of exercise, it is suggested that you contact a podiatrist who can accurately diagnose and treat stress fractures.

Activities where too much pressure is put on the feet can cause stress fractures. To learn more, contact one of our podiatrists from Advanced Foot & Ankle Associates, PLLC. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep your pain free and on your feet.

Dealing with Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle

Stress fractures occur in the foot and ankle when muscles in these areas weaken from too much or too little use.  The feet and ankles then lose support when walking or running from the impact of the ground. Since there is no protection, the bones receive the full impact of each step. Stress on the feet can cause cracks to form in the bones, thus creating stress fractures.

What Are Stress Fractures?

Stress fractures occur frequently in individuals whose daily activities cause great impact on the feet and ankles. Stress factors are most common among:

  • Runners                                  
  • People affected with Osteoporosis
  • Tennis or basketball players
  • Gymnasts
  • High impact workouts


Pain from the fractures occur in the area of the fractures and can be constant or intermittent. It will often cause sharp or dull pain with swelling and tenderness. Engaging in any kind of activity which involves high impact will aggravate pain.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Lake Worth and Aledo/Willow Park, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Dealing with Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
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